Process Process Process: Managing 100+ WordPress Installs

With nearly 150 WordPress installs, representing 90% of Unravel clients, our team is mastering the Art of the Process. By standardizing EVERY phase of digital delivery, Unravel can easily manage another 100 installs. Unravel goes live with a new domain every 6 business days. From selling to contract creation, project management to install, plugins, licensing, theming, design, and content ideation — everything that can be “process-ized” or automated – is. From client engagement, to DNS changes to going live, nothing is left to chance.

Add to that client training, support and finally attrition. The entire life cycle is processed out. Clients can leave any time for 100 different reasons. If you can make sure you aid in a speedy exit transition, THAT makes a really great selling point. We have automated our client-exits to a few clicks.

WordPress has unique challenges regarding security, hosting, core updates, licensing changes, paid plugins, plugin updates, backups, uptime, page speed and disaster recovery. With browser differences and changing design landscape (mobile)…repeating that process well over and over is daunting and to do it right requires forethought and process.

During my talk I will live demonstrate my 10-second WordPress Install which includes all plugins, themes, licenses and accounts putting us in design-phase in moments. Also during my demo, I will live-cripple our corporate website bringing it down in front of the audience and show the notification process that happens within seconds, then live demo our restoration process. No scary phone calls, no pit-the-stomach, no domain forensics, no FTP. Just a few clicks on my iPad and the site is up. All before the client is aware ANYTHING happened.

This talk will show what is possible from a WordPress Management process standpoint…and will encourage all businesses representing the stability of WordPress to tackle their most challenging issues by creating processes to manage those challenges.
